Alicante – November 21, 2025

Special topic: ADHD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

2025 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Neuroscience

Workshop supported by project BALLADEER and Conselleria de Innovación, universidades, ciencia y Sociedad Digital


The 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Neuroscience (IWAIN 2025) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from the fields of artificial intelligence and neuroscience to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities at the intersection of these two rapidly evolving disciplines. This workshop provides a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering innovative approaches that leverage AI to enhance our understanding of the brain and to develop novel neuro-technologies that aid in tasks such as monitoring, diagnosis, data generation, and more.

To showcase the potential of the intersection between AI and neuroscience, IWAIN 2025 will feature a special theme on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, we also welcome submissions that address other neurological and psychiatric conditions, as well as diverse applications of AI and neuroscience in various domains.


Invited Speakers

To be confirmed…

Conference Chairs

  • Juan C. Trujillo
  • Rosario Ferrer

Program Chair

Miguel A. Teruel

Conference Chairs

Juan C. Trujillo

Rosario Ferrer

Program Chair

Miguel A. Teruel

Program Committee

To be confirmed…

Organizing Committee

Marina Maciá (Web Site) – Alvaro Navarro y Sandra García  (Proceedings) – Javier Sanchis (Social Events) – Alejandro Panagiotidis (Technicians) – Alejandro Reina (Treasurer)

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